Weather Eye
An ongoing series of prints exploring uncertainty of place and perspective, the diminishing predictability of weather, and the human tendency to forget just how subject we are to its forces.

Weather Eye: Troubled Wake / Gust Front 18.9" x 44" (48 x 111 cm) Diptych
Quiet Signs
Print Council of Australia Commission 2018
Intaglio with Relief Roll & Hand-Coloring
48 x 54cm / 18.9" x 21.25"
Edition of 35 plus proofs.

All's Well 'Til Groundswell

Torrent Interminable
News Horizon
The 2020 bushfires north and south of Brisbane stained the sky — pale compared to the lands actually burning and scenes shared by friends in San Diego soon after — but enough to shake any pretense of the fires being distant news, and deepen apprehension of the next fire season.
Exhibited in the 2021 Milburn Landscape Prize at Brisbane Institute of Art and the 2022 Confluence of Art annual, Pablo Center at the Confluence in Eau Claire, WI.
Monoprint Wood Intaglio with Relief Roll — 78.5 x 96.5 cm / 31 x 38"
Detail View

Drift — Diptych of 24 x 24 cm / 9.5 x 9.5" Panels